7 Hormones That Prevent You From Losing Weight

7 Hormones That Prevent You From Losing Weight

Most people usually think the key to losing weight is just diet (such as keto) and exercise. Which works most of the times. But sometimes no matter what you do, you just can’t seem to attain your desired weight.

Your hormones may be preventing you from achieving your ideal weight goals. Hormones control most of our bodily processes, including how your body manages the food you take in and redistributes it into energy or fat.

In this article, we’ll look at the hormones that could prevent you from shedding off that extra weight, and what you can do to achieve your ideal weight goals.

In this regard, the keto diet will definitely come in handy by helping you break down fat for energy.

If you have other underlying hormone conditions that make it hard for you to lose weight, the following information will help you:

1) Too Much Cortisol

Too much Cortisol prevents weight loss

When you experience stress, your body releases the hormone cortisol. Cortisol ramps you up so you can be ready to fight or flee.

This is a good thing – but in today’s 24/7, crisis driven world, we end up with cortisol levels that are elevated far beyond what our bodies were designed to handle. High cortisol levels cause problems. (1)

And when your cortisol levels rise, you crave for sweets and carbs, which leads to over-eating and hunger. Consequently, your blood sugar is converted to fat (2) for long-term storage.

Actually, cortisol signals the body to shift metabolism to store fat (3).

Especially belly fat. So, it gets hard to shed off that extra weight…

Secondly, most of us run around stressed too much of the time. As a result, our cortisol is off. Over time, high cortisol levels end up depleting your happy brain chemicals like serotonin.

Consequently, you get too little sleep, causing fatigue (4, 5).

High cortisol is likewise linked to depression, cloudiness and brain fog (6). Of course, the more stressed you are, the more you eat. And the more you gain fat!

Cortisol actually causes your body to break down your muscle tissue for energy, which is bad if shedding extra kilos is your goal. The less muscle you have, the lower your metabolism will be and the more fat you’ll gain.

How To Lower Cortisol Levels

The following tips will help you lower cortisol levels, and help you lose weight:

  • Reduce stress: – remove yourself from stressful situations, especially if you recognize the triggers of your stress. Magnesium supplements can help you reduce stress.
  • Eat a healthy diet: – Include fruits and vegetables, such as bananas, pears, black or green tea, as well as probiotics.
  • Get some good sleep: – sleep deprivation increases cortisol levels (7, 8). Keep a consistent sleep schedule, avoid sleep interruptions and get seven to eight hours of sleep daily to keep cortisol in a normal rhythm.
  • Exercise: – exercise enough to reduce stress but not too much as to cause stress on your body.
  • Avoid stressful thinking: – Stressful thoughts act as a signal for cortisol release. The first step in coping with stress is becoming more aware of stress and its triggers. 
  • Learn to relax: – Many relaxation techniques are proven to lower cortisol. Examples include deep breathing, yoga and tai chi, music and massage.
  • Health supplements:Fish oil is one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which are thought to reduce cortisol (9).

    The Asian herb Ashwaghandha, is used to treat anxiety and help people adapt to stress. It’s been shown to reduce cortisol levels.

2) Insulin Resistance

Insulin, Blood Sugar & Losing Weight

If you’re overweight, there’s a fair chance that you have some level of insulin imbalance, which results to too much glucose in your system.

Insulin resistance causes your cells to lose their ability to absorb glucose. This causes a buildup of sugar in your blood.

As a result, your body stores this glucose as fat.

And this makes it very hard to lose weight.

There are several simple tests your doctor can order for diagnosis.


Risk Factors Of Insulin Resistance:

  • Being overweight or obese
  • A sedentary lifestyle with little or no exercise
  • Smoking
  • Sleep issues
  • High blood pressure (10)

How To Treat Insulin Resistance

There are several effective ways to treat insulin resistance:

  • Get enough sleep: – Lack of sleep can harm your health and may increase insulin resistance (11). Even a single night induces insulin resistance (12).
  • Exercise: – many studies have found exercise increases insulin sensitivity among men and women with or without diabetes (13, 14).
  • Reduce stress: – Stress encourages the body to go into “fight-or-flight” mode, which stimulates the production of stress hormones like cortisol and glucagon.

    These hormones break down glycogen into glucose as a quick source of energy. However, ongoing stress results to too much blood sugar (15).

    Stress hormones also increase insulin resistance (16, 17).

  • Lose weight: – excess weight, especially belly fat promotes insulin resistance (18, 19). Consider starting a keto diet to help you with your weight loss goals.
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables: – eating a diet rich in plant compounds is linked to higher insulin sensitivity (20, 21).
  • Apple cider vinegar: – taking two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar before a high carb meal significantly reduces blood glucose levels for those people with insulin resistance (22).
  • Reduce carbs and added sugars: – these raise glucose levels, and storage of fat.
  • Health supplements: – several health supplements have been shown to increase insulin sensitivity. Chromium (23), Magnesium (24), Berberine (25) and Revesratrol (26).

Introducing KETO XP Supplement

Keto XP

KETO XP Supplement:

  • Is formulated with BHB to get your body into ketosis fast and use fat as primary source of energy
  • Stops excess fat production
  • Suppresses your appetite
  • Increases energy levels, improves sleep and prevents fatigue
  • The result is lower weight, lower percentage of body fat and a higher percentage of non-fat mass.

3) Estrogen Dominance

Estrogen Dominance & Weight Loss

Estrogen dominance happens when you have too much estrogen compared to the counter hormone, progesterone.

Too much estrogen can have a negative impact on weight loss, in both sexes, as well as moodiness, PMS and heavy periods in women.

In women going through menopause, too many hormone levels decline, your body’s progesterone levels might drop faster than your estrogen production, causing you to gain weight and store fat around your waist.

How To Treat Estrogen Dominance

There are several ways to treat estrogen dominance:

  • Eat healthy diet: – eat fresh, whole foods with fruits and vegetables. Avoid red meat, carbs, sugars, processed foods, excess caffeine and alcohol.
  • Manage stress
  • Exercise regularly: – exercise supports liver function and detoxification, helping to regulate healthy elimination, and balancing blood sugar.
  • Get enough sleep
  • Lose weight: – if you’re overweight, losing weight is extremely helpful in controlling estrogen dominance.
  • Health supplements:DIM is very effective in regulating estrogen levels. Vitamins D3 and B6 may also be helpful.

Introducing DIM Supplement For Estrogen Balance

DIM Supplement

DIM Supplement:

  • Reduces PMS, hormonal acne, PCOS, menopause symptoms
  • May treat infertility related to hormonal imbalance
  • Supports weight loss, strong bones, healthy joints and increases healthy muscle development
  • It enhances energy, boosts mood and improves memory
  • Helps reduce risk of cancer and heart attack.
  • Improves prostrate health in men


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4) Under-Active Thyroid

How Hypothyroidism Hinders Weight Loss

Your thyroid controls your metabolism, managing how fast or slow you burn calories.

A sluggish thyroid can cause weight gain, fluid retention, hair loss or thinning, depression, and constipation, among other problems.

Hypothyroidism is usually a result of poor diet, stress or missing nutrients in your body.

How To Treat Hypothyroidism

There are several ways to treat hypothyroidism:

  • Reduce stress: – stress is one of the risk factors of hypothyroidism
  • Eat a healthy diet: – reduce or eliminate sugars to reduce inflammation
  • Health supplements: – especially Selenium, Vitamin B-12 and B-1
  • Avoid gluten: – More research needs to be done on this, however it seems to show some promise
  • Your doctor may prescribe a synthetic thyroid hormone to bring it’s levels to normal

5) Too Much Leptin

Leptin resistance and eating disorder

The hormone leptin lets your body know that you’re full.

When you eat too much fructose (such as from fruits) or processed sugar, your liver starts converting it into fat.

Fat produces leptin, and as you consume more and more fructose, you generate more and more leptin. As a result, your body starts to resist the leptin signal, a condition called leptin resistance. This is a main contributor to obesity (27).

As a result of leptin resistance, you end up eating more and more. Thus, obesity is usually not caused by greed, laziness or a lack of willpower!

In turn, this makes it hard to lose weight (28).

How To Treat Leptin Resistance

1) Eat a healthy diet:

  • Avoid eating too much fructose (such as sugary fruits) or added sugar and processed foods that may drive inflammation. Soluble fiber may protect you against obesity (29).
  • Eat Omega-3 abundant foods like fish, chia seeds and grass-fed meat.
  • Reduce your carb intake. This lowers triglycerides, which reduces transport of leptins from your blood to the brain.
  • Get on a keto diet, which may result from an improvement in leptin sensitivity (30).

2) Finally, exercise regularly. This may help reverse leptin resistance (31).

6) Not Enough Adiponectin

Low Adiponectin

The adiponectin hormone tells your body to metabolize body fat for fuel.

The more adiponectin you have in your body, the more fat your body breaks down. Also, low adiponectin levels are associated with difficulties in losing body weight (32).

How To Treat Low Adiponectin Levels

There’s quite a good number of things you can do to increase your adiponeptin levels:

  • Increase magnesium and zinc intake
  • Intermittent fasting increases adiponeptin levels (33)
  • Monosaturated fats: – monounsaturated fats such as fish oil, boosts levels of adiponectin by 14 to 60 per cent. These are fats from avocados, nuts and olives.
  • Fiber: – Researchers have found that adding fibre to the diet increased adiponectin levels by as much as 115 percent (34)!
  • Exercise: – Exercise has been shown to increase adiponeptin levels and reduce leptin levels (35).
  • Coffee: – Surprisingly, coffee increases adiponeptin levels (36)!
  • Turmeric:– Curcumin in turmeric has been shown to increase adiponectin levels and a reduction in leptin (37).
  • Red wine: – Red wine (and beer!!) have been shown to significantly increase adiponeptin levels (38).

7) Too Much Ghrelin

Ghrelin hormone controls hunger

Grehlin is the hunger hormone. The more ghrelin you have in your system, the hungrier you are.

Good sleep lowers ghrelin levels.

How To Lower Ghlerin Levels

There are several ways to lower Ghlerin levels:

  • Get some good sleep: – Short sleep is associated with reduced leptin levels and elevated ghrelin levels (39).
  • Manage Stress: – when we are stressed, we eat more. This is because ghrelin levels rise when we’re stressed (40).
  • Exercise: – high intensity exercise has been shown to increase ghlerin levels, boosting our capacity to workout, and eating less after exercise (41). While this finding may be confusing, we do know that regular physical activity improves overall hormonal balance, weight and a sense of wellness.
  • Eat whole foods diet, at least 3 times a day: – this will keep ghrelin and leptin levels stable. During crash dieting or calorie restriction, ghrelin levels increase and poor food choices and cravings will increase.

Losing Weight Should Get Easier!

Now you know. If you’ve been trying to lose weight but you just can’t succeed, your hormones may be off.

If you fix these hormonal issues, you’ll definitely find it easier to lose weight.

Women’s Health – Hormonal Imbalance And Infertility

Women’s Health – Hormonal Imbalance And Infertility

Infertility refers to the condition where a woman cannot get pregnant. Hormonal imbalance most often causes infertility. It’s a distressing situation for both men and women.

Some cases are treatable while others are not. In this article, we’ll look at various causes of infertility in women and how to manage or treat them.

Since we’ll refer to various parts of the female reproductive system, this picture will help you get a basic understanding:

Female Reproductive System

Hormones That Are Involved In Pregnancy

Without going too deep into the science of hormones and pregnancy, you should have a basic understanding of the hormones involved in pregnancy in order to address the problem.

The following hormones control pregnancy:

Hormones involved in pregnancy
  • Thyroid hormones – the thyroid gland produces a lot of hormones, but triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) hormones are involved in production of prolactin.
  • Prolactin – milk production is controlled by prolactin. This hormone also plays an essential role in becoming pregnant in the first place. If you have low levels of prolactin, you’re likely to have irregular cycles and issues with ovulation, which can interfere with getting pregnant.
  • Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) – This hormone supports the immature eggs. Ovarian follicles, or the sack that contains the immature egg, produce AMH.
  • Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) – FSH helps regulate the menstrual cycle and induce the production of eggs in the ovaries.
  • Luteinizing Hormone (LH) – LH signals the body to release a mature egg.
  • Progesterone – This hormone is essential to maintaining a pregnancy by thickening the uterine lining, which in turn helps support an embryo. Women with low progesterone levels often experience recurrent miscarriages.
  • Estrogen – Low estrogen levels can prevent ovulation and make getting pregnant difficult, leading to infertility.

Signs & Causes Of Hormonal Imbalance

The most common signs of hormonal imbalance in women include:

  • Irregular menstrual cycle
  • Spotting or irregular bleeding
  • New or worsening acne
  • Facial hair
  • Male-pattern body hair
  • Male-pattern hair loss
  • Unexplained weight gain
  • Extreme mood changes

Hormonal imbalance is usually caused by dysfunction of the thyroid gland, or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), discussed in more detail below.

What Causes Infertility In Women?

There are various causes of infertility in women, and sometimes the cause remains unknown.

Here are the most common causes:


1) Infrequent Release Of Eggs From The Ovary:

Infrequent ovulation, hormonal imbalance & infertility

This can happen as a result of various physical or medical conditions, such as

  • General illnesses
  • Hormonal imbalance – such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  • Being overweight
  • Losing too much body weight
  • Premature ovarian failure or early menopause – this happens when the ovaries stop producing eggs before the age of 40.

2) Short Luteal Phase

The first day of your period starts the follicular phase, when the ovaries prepare to release an egg to the fallopian tube.

The luteal phase is the time period that immediately follows ovulation. The follicle in your ovary that contained the egg before ovulation changes into the corpus luteum whose function is to secrete progesterone.

Progesterone controls the luteal phase, and maintains the thickness and strength of uterine wall to maintain a pregnancy.

If your body doesn’t secrete enough progesterone, the uterine lining doesn’t properly develop. This makes it difficult for a fertilized egg to implant in the uterus.

The luteal phase is typically 13 to 14 days on average. If your luteal phase is less than 10 days, a fertilized embryo may not be able to implant, preventing pregnancy.

A short luteal phase can also be due to the failure of the corpus luteum.

If the corpus luteum doesn’t secrete enough progesterone, your uterine lining may shed before a fertilized egg is implanted. This can cause an earlier menstrual cycle.

A short luteal phase can also be caused by

  • Anorexia
  • Obesity
  • Aging
  • Excessive exercise
  • Stress
  • Too much of the hormone prolactin – responsible for milk production
  • Underactive or overactive thyroid
  • Endometriosis (discussed below)
  • PCOS (discussed below)

How To Treat Short Luteal Phase

  • Progesterone supplementation: – The most common treatment for a short luteal phase is to give the woman extra progesterone to prevent the loss of a pregnancy. Usually, progesterone supplementation is begun three days after ovulation.
  • Lowering your body mass index (BMI): – Effective if the underlying reason is obesity. BMI is a measure of body fat based on height and weight. A lower BMI leads to a healthy body composition, where your body has a lower percentage of body fat and a higher percentage of non-fat mass.
  • Easy to moderate exercise: – Effective when stress or exercise are causing a problem


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3) Problems In The Womb

These are problems such as:


a) Uterine Fibroids:

Uterine fibroids & infertility

Uterine fibroids  are lumps that develop from the muscle wall of the womb (myometrium). Fibroids that sit or project inside the womb cavity are particularly known to cause infertility.

Fibroids can develop due to hormonal imbalance – if estrogen levels are too high. If you don’t have sufficient progesterone, the body can’t stop the growth.

Progesterone limits the effects of estrogen on fibroids, and also deters their growth and limits their size.

Studies also find that diets high in red meat and fats, especially animal fats, have been shown to increase the risk of fibroids and risk factors for fibroids, including high blood pressure.

Aim for a diet high in flavonoids, oily fish, green vegetables, fruits, and beans.

How To Treat Fibroids:

  • Surgery: – Your doctor may recommend surgery to remove the fibroids or cut blood supply to them.
  • Lowering your BMI: – Weight / obesity has been shown to increase the risk of developing fibroids. Consider getting into ketosis to manage your weight. Our KETO XP supplement can help you get into ketosis.
  • Diet: – Avoid red meat, alcohol, refined carbs (such as rice, flour, etc), baked goods. Good foods are fruits and vegetables, whole grains, quinoa, etc.
  • Health supplements: – Low levels of vitamin A and D have been related to the risk for developing fibroids. Others are vitamins B-1, B-6, and E, as well as magnesium and omega3 fatty acids. DIM can also help with fibroids.

b) Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS is a hormonal condition in which the ovaries develop numerous small collections of fluid (follicles) and fail to regularly release eggs.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, hormonal imbalance & infertility

Even though the exact cause is not known, PCOS seems to be caused by environmental factors as well as genetics.

Women with PCOS may have infrequent or prolonged menstrual periods or excess male hormone levels such as testosterone.

PCOS leads to fertility problems, weight gain, acne, and unwanted hair growth

It also leads to a condition where cells don’t respond well to the release of the hormone that breaks down glucose (insulin) – hence they can’t use the glucose they need for energy.

In response, the pancrease keeps making more and more insulin. Eventually the pancrease fails, leading to diabetes.

The extra insulin may have several negative effects including shutting down your ovaries and leading to higher than normal levels of male hormones, called androgens, including testosterone. Testosterone can interfere with normal ovulation, leading to fertility problems.

How To Treat PCOS:

  • Exercise: – Exercise builds muscle, thereby improving glucose metabolism. In fact, exercise is the only treatment that improves all markers of metabolic syndrome.
  • Lowering your BMI: – Many women with PCOS are overweight. Losing just 5 percent of their body weight can restore regular ovulation and menstruation and improve fertility.
  • Herbal supplements: – V. chasteberry has been very promising in treating PCOS. Other supplements like cinnamon, black cohosh, Tribulus terrestris, licorice, and Chinese peony, also show some benefits.
  • Medication: – Doctors will prescribe oral contraceptives to improve ovulation and reduce the potentially dangerous effects of too much estrogen on the uterine lining. If this doesn’t work, the drug metformin can reduce the amount of glucose the liver releases, and increases the amount of glucose absorbed in the intestine. This can restore ovulation in 30-50% of women with PCOS.

4) Endometriosis

Endometriosis, infertility and hormonal imbalance

In endometriosis, uterine tissue grows outside the uterus, which can lead to cysts being formed in the ovaries and the pelvis. This can cause the fallopian tubes to become distorted which, in turn, can lead to infertility.

Endometriosis can also be caused by high levels of estrogen.

Common signs of endometriosis include:

  • Painful periods
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Heavy menstrual periods and bleeding between periods
  • Infertility

How To Treat Endometriosis:

The conventional treatment for endometriosis involves pain medication, hormonal therapy, or surgery.

In some cases, hysterectomy with removal of the ovaries is done.

Health supplements can also be effective in treating endometriosis, such as:

  • DIM (diindolylmethane): – DIM, is anti-inflammatory in nature, and is metabolized similarly to estrogen. Because of this, in low doses, it may help promote healthy estrogen breakdown and removal from the body.

    DIM is available in Kenya from reed Naturals.

  • Vitamin B6: – It is possible that vitamin B6 might play a role in hormone regulation. Through a complex pathway, vitamin B6 may reduce the level of estrogen in the body, potentially relieving endometriosis-related symptoms.
  • Curcumin (turmeric):– Research on curcumin for the treatment of endometriosis is limited, however, several studies and reviews have suggested that it may provide relief from endometriosis-related symptoms.
DIM Supplement

5) Blockage Of One Or Both Fallopian Tubes:

5) Blockage Of One Or Both Fallopian Tubes:

Blocked Fallopian Tubes & Infertility

This can happen through

  • Infection – such as Chlamydia, which is a sexually transmitted disease
  • Pelvic adhesions caused through surgery or through non-tubal infection (such as appendicitis, inflammatory bowel disease)
  • Endometriosis, which can cause a tissue buildup in the tubes
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease, a disease that can cause scarring
  • Fibroids, which are growths that can block the fallopian tube


I know this post contains a lot of information about how hormonal imbalance relates to infertility. It’s hard to capture everything in one post, especially given that every woman’s situation may be unique.

Getting a basic understanding of how hormones relate to fertility and women’s health will help you address the specific problem preventing pregnancy.

Women’s Health: Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) And Hormonal Balance

Women’s Health: Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) And Hormonal Balance

About 90% of women report getting Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS). PMS is a condition that affects a woman’s physical health, emotions and behavior especially just before her menstrual period.

PMS symptoms typically start 5 to 10 days before menstruation, and go away just after the menses start.

In this article, we’ll explore the causes and how to manage and treat Pre-Menstrual Syndrome.

What Causes Pre-Menstrual Syndrome?

Even though the exact mechanism of what causes PMS has never been described, doctors believe it’s related to both sex hormones and serotonin levels at the beginning of the menstrual cycle.

Levels of estrogen and progesterone increase during certain times of the month, which can cause mood swings, anxiety, and irritability.

Serotonin levels affect mood. Serotonin is a chemical in your brain and gut that affects your moods, emotions, and thoughts.

Around 14 days in your menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs (when a mature egg is released from the ovary).

The empty follicle that has nurtured the egg forms a corpus luteum, which produces high levels of the hormone progesterone and some oestradiol. These prepare the womb for pregnancy if conception has occurred. If the egg is not fertilized, the corpus luteum breaks down, and the production of progesterone and oestradiol begins to fall.

This starts about a week before the next period, which coincides with Pre-Menstrual Syndrome.

Estrogen levels also fall during this time. In women with PMS, serotonin levels drop as estrogen levels drop. This is around the 2 weeks before the period. Women with low serotonin levels are likely to have symptoms of PMS. Some women maintain steady levels of serotonin.

Pre-Menstrual Syndrome is also linked to lifestyle factors such as bad diet, stress, and smoking which cause chronic inflammation. Inflammation causes PMS because it impairs the health and resilience of hormone receptors, which makes you hyper-sensitive to the normal rise and fall of your hormones.

Key Takeaway:

When estrogen levels fall, serotonin levels also drop in women with PMS. Lifestyle factors like bad diet, stress, and smoking cause chronic inflammation, which can cause PMS.

Symptoms of Pre-Menstrual Syndrome

We can classify these as physical or behavioral symptoms:

Physical symptoms of PMS:

  • Breast tenderness
  • Joint or muscle pain
  • Abdominal bloating
  • Acne flare-ups
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Weight gain related to fluid retention
  • Swelling of the hands or feet


Emotional or behavioral symptoms:

  • Depressed mood
  • Tension or anxiety
  • Mood swings and irritability or anger
  • Poor concentration
  • Change in libido
  • Appetite changes and food cravings
  • Trouble falling asleep (insomnia)
  • Social withdrawal
  • Crying spells

What Are The Pre-Disposing Factors Of PMS?

Some factors common in women with PMS include:

  • History of depression or mood disorders, such as postpartum depression or bipolar disorder
  • Family history of PMS
  • Family history of depression
  • Domestic violence, physical or emotional trauma
  • Substance abuse


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Treating PMS With Diet And Lifestyle Changes

Diet And Exercise To Treat PMS

Because the exact cause of PMS is not clearly understood, most treatments revolve around treating the symptoms.

Since there’s a definite link between hormonal changes and PMS, stabilizing hormonal imbalances may be successful in complementing regular treatment.

If your PMS is mild to moderate, these changes should reduce PMS symptoms:

  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol
  • Reduce your intake of fat, salt, and sugar
  • Maintain a balanced diet to improve your overall health and energy level – take lots of fruits and vegetables
  • Get at least 8 hours of sleep to reduce fatigue
  • Exercise at least 30 minutes a day to decrease bloating and improve your mental health and reduce stress

Role Of Nutritional Supplements In PMS

Supplements For Pre-Menstrual Syndrome

Studies show that certain supplements may help relieve some PMS symptoms.

Health supplements are not evaluated the same way by FDA like other drugs in clinical trials. For this reason, your doctor may not recommend supplements to relieve PMS symptoms. However if you’re taking medication, talk to a health professional in case of rare interactions.


Studies show that calcium can help reduce some PMS symptoms, such as fatigue, cravings, and depression.

A calcium supplement is recommended for PMS.

Vitamin B6:

Vitamin B6 can help alleviate PMS symptoms such as moodiness, irritability, forgetfulness, bloating, and anxiety.


Magnesium may help relieve some PMS symptoms, including migraines.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6):

Studies show that taking a supplement with 1 to 2 grams of polyunsaturated fatty acids may help reduce cramps and other PMS symptoms.

V. agnus-castus:

Researchers believe that V. agnus-castus works by decreasing levels of the hormone prolactin. This helps rebalance other hormones, including estrogen and progesterone — thus reducing PMS symptoms

In one study, women with PMS took V. agnus-castus during three consecutive menstrual cycles. In total, 93 percent of those given V. agnus-custus reported a decrease in PMS symptoms.

This supplement is available at Reed Naturals here in Kenya.


DIM supplements have quickly gained steam as the supplement of choice to reduce premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and menopause symptoms. They are also used to treat acne, hot flushes, weight loss, thyroid disorders and menopause among others.

DIM works by reducing the levels of “bad estrogen” and raising “good estrogens”.

DIM is also available here in Kenya.

Introducing DIM Supplement (3,3 Diindolylmethane)

DIM Supplement

DIM is a plant compound derived from cruciferous vegetables (e.g. cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, etc.). It has picked up steam as a go-to treatment for maintaining estrogen and testosterone balance, and as an anti-cancer agent (24, 25). It’s known to treat a variety of issues such as

  • Acne
  • PMS & PCOS
  • Fibroids
  • Menopause symptoms
  • Weight loss & maintaining a lean body mass
  • Prostate health, as well as a horde of other benefits.

To get the maximum benefit of DIM, you’d need to eat a kilo of these vegetables every day (26).


Using Medication To Treat PMS

If your PMS symptoms are too severe, you may need to see a doctor. A small percentage of women suffer from premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), which is a severe form of PMS.

A doctor may prescribe hormonal contraceptives that suppress ovulation.


PMS continues to be a big problem for most women. While some women experience symptoms that can interfere with their daily lives, most women can treat PMS with diet and lifestyle changes as well as taking health supplements.

Women with severe PMS symptoms should talk to their doctor in case they have more serious underlying issues.

Women’s Health: Hormonal Balance, Acne and Skin Health

Women’s Health: Hormonal Balance, Acne and Skin Health

Hormones don’t just control the way you feel. They also control the way you look – more specifically how your skin looks.

Sometimes it feels like your skin just isn’t part of your team – it breaks out with acne, your puffy eyes give away the little sleep you’ve had in the last 3 nights, and so on.

If you see acne on your skin, it’s telling you something is probably off inside, and it’s usually related to hormones.

Research shows it’s easier and better to treat acne without antibiotics and creams (1, 2). Before you rush to get some skin cream or cosmetic, maybe you’ll get better results if you balance your hormones first!

We’ll look at certain conditions that affect your skin health, and hopefully help provide answers that may help you maintain a smooth healthy skin.

Remember that skin types vary with people, and even your skin also changes as you age.

Skin Changes During Menstrual Cycle

Sebaceous Glands

The skin contains sebaceous glands, which secretes an oily substance called sebum. Sebaceous glands increase in size around puberty, with the most sebum secreted around age 35.

Sebaceous glands are influenced by hormones called androgens (such as testosterone – “male hormone”) to produce more sebum, which may progress to acne. This is because sebum-filled pores are the ideal place for bacteria to live—particularly P. acnes, which loves to colonize these pores, and further worsen and causes inflammatory acne.

On the other hand, estrogen (“female hormone”) suppresses sebum production. Estrogen is associated with increased production of collagen, which results to more skin thickness, skin hydration, wound healing, and improved barrier function.

Sometime before the menstrual period starts (around 10 days), there isn’t enough estrogen, to counter over-production of sebum. Other theories suggest there’s an imbalance of estrogen to progesterone ratio. This leaves a higher level of androgens, which lead to more sebum production,  leading to acne.

You may notice differences in acne outbreaks, elasticity and wound healing ability at different times in your cycle. You may also notice dry skin when estrogen levels are low.

Key Takeaway:

In women who suffer from hormonal acne, the level of estrogen falls too low in relation to progesterone. This un-checked progesterone promotes too much sebum production, which leads to acne.

Skin Changes As You Age

Estrogen levels start to decrease even before menopause. As we’ve seen, estrogen helps to stimulate the right amount of oil production to keep it supple, smooth, and plump.

But as estrogen decreases with age, your skin gets drier and itchier.

Your doctor may advise you to get on hormone therapy, by taking hormones, usually estrogen and progesterone.

You may also consider supplementing with V. agnus-castus and DIM to regulate your hormonal balance.

Introducing DIM Supplement

DIM Supplement

What Is DIM?

DIM is a plant compound derived from cruciferous vegetables (e.g. cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, etc.). It has picked up steam as a go-to treatment for maintaining estrogen and testosterone balance, and as an anti-cancer agent (24, 25).

It’s known to treat a variety of issues such as acne, PMS, PCOS, fibroids, menopause symptoms, weight loss, lean body mass, and prostate health, as well as a horde of other benefits.

To get the maximum benefit of DIM, you’d need to eat a kilo of these vegetables every day (26).

For this reason you need to take the supplement to get the optimum amount of DIM.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) & Acne

Women with PCOS produce a lot of androgens (such as testosterone) , as well as the hormone that breaks down glucose.  This results to irregular or prolonged periods, acne and excess hair on your lip and chin (beards).

If you’re overweight, reducing weight may be your first option to consider. Exercise has also been shown to improve PCOS symptoms.

Consider a keto diet as well as keto supplements and supplements to control hormonal changes such as DIM and V. agnus-castus.

Introducing KETO XP Supplement

Keto XP

KETO XP Supplement:

  • Is formulated with BHB to get your body into ketosis fast and use fat as primary source of energy
  • Stops excess fat production
  • Suppresses your appetite
  • Increases energy levels, improves sleep and prevents fatigue
  • The result is lower weight, lower percentage of body fat and a higher percentage of non-fat mass.

Perimenopause And Menopause

Menopause and Perimenopause

During perimenopause and menopause, estrogen levels decrease. This causes dryness in the skin. The skin may also feel itchy and uncomfortable during this time.

Along with reduced hydration, low collagen levels are involved with the breakdown of collagen and elastin, the two proteins that give skin its structure.

This dryness and loss of collagen lead to a saggy, wrinkled skin.

Consider supplementing with DIM and Collagen to manage these conditions.

Introducing Super Collagen Supplement

Super Collagen

What Is Super Collagen Supplement?

Super Collagen:

  • Promotes A Smooth, Soft, Youthful, Healthy Skin
  • Boosts Muscle Mass
  • Relieves Joint Pain & Promotes Joint Health
  • Keeps Bones Strong
  • Promotes Heart Health
  • Prevents & Reverses Cellulite And Stretch Marks
  • Improve Hair & Nails
  • Can Improve Gut Health
  • Can Help In Weight Loss
  • May Help Alleviate Anxiety
  • May Help With Better Sleep
  • Helps Support Teeth & Gums


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Diet And Lifestyle Solutions To Hormonal Skin Problems

Here are a few lifestyle choices that can help you reduce skin conditions:

  • Get plenty of sleep
  • Maintain a balanced diet
  • Exercise regularly
  • Avoid smoking
  • Reduce alcohol consumption
  • Avoid stress – stress can affect cortisol levels, which can lead to flares of acne
  • Increase intake of magnesium – when cortisol levels rise, the body uses up a lot of magnesium.


In general, if there’s a hormonal link to your skin problems, getting your hormones back in balance is the way to go.

Even though you may also apply some skin creams, fixing hormonal balance may be a more long-term solution

Keto Diet And Ketosis: 4 Simple Ways To Get Into Keto

Keto Diet And Ketosis: 4 Simple Ways To Get Into Keto

Ketosis (physiological ketosis) is a natural metabolic state where your body breaks down fat to produce energy, instead of using glucose for energy. This leads to a high concentration of ketones in the blood.

Don’t confuse physiological ketosis with diabetic ketoacidosis, where both ketones and glucose are elevated.

Ketosis naturally happens there’s limited access to glucose (blood sugar), and fat provides most of the fuel for the body. You generally need to eat less than 50 grams of carbs a day to start ketosis; however this does vary with individuals.

Glucose is the preferred source of energy for the body. It’s also more easily accessible and more available.

A Brief Science Of Ketosis

While you might know the basics of keto, it involves some deep but interesting physiology. Thankfully in this article, you won’t need a PhD in biochemistry to understand its basic fundamentals.

When you eat a low carb diet, the levels of the hormone that breaks down glucose for energy declines.

Fatty acids are then released from fat cells in large quantities, and transported to the liver.

The liver then breaks down these fatty acids to ketone bodies (ketones).

These ketones can provide energy for the body. They can also cross the blood-brain barrier and provide energy for the brain.

Ketosis energyThe most abundant (and beneficial) ketone is BHB, that your brain and body can use for fuel. You feel all the amazing benefits of ketosis when your body is making and using BHB.

Most people agree that burning ketones for energy is a very pleasant experience. Hunger runs in the background instead of the limelight. You can go for hours without thinking about food. This, coupled with steady, increased energy and brain power, makes you unstoppable.

In contrast, when you use carbs for energy, you feel energetic and alert right after you eat, then you crash and get hungry and distracted when you need to replenish.



Key Takeaway:

When your body gets starved of carbs which form glucose, it triggers release of fatty acids from fat deposits in the body. They are then broken down in the liver to form ketones, which are used to produce energy. Your body then gets into ketosis.

The Role Of BHB In Ketosis

BHB (beta-hydroxybutyric acid) is produced through a series of steps in the liver when fatty acids are broken down.

It is the most dominant ketone (about 80%) and the one that’s most readily used for energy during ketosis.

BHB dissolves in water and blood, which makes it easy to transport throughout the body. When you’re deep in ketosis, the steady energy derived from BHB makes you feel unstoppable.

Key Takeaway:

BHB is the most dominant ketone, used to provide energy to the body, including the brain.


Benefits Of Ketosis

Ketosis has a wide variety of benefits:

Healthy Body Composition

Ketogenic diet has been shown to promote a healthy body mass composition in many studies. This leads to a lower body mass index (BMI) – a measure of body fat based on height and weight.

The body is using fat reserves for energy – and you’ll smile every time you step on the scale!

However, it’s widely recognized that adherence to a diet is critical for long-term success. Some individuals may find it easy to adhere to the ketogenic diet, while others may find it unsustainable.

By using fat as a source of energy, ketosis results to a healthy body composition. A healthy body composition is one that includes a lower percentage of body fat and a higher percentage of non-fat mass.

Better mental health

BHB crosses the blood-brain barrier and enhances several processes that promote mental sharpness and alertness.

It can trigger release of neutrophins, which support neuron function and formation of synapses.

Ketosis is also known to reduce age-related cognitive decline. It’s been shown to reverse symptoms of Alzheimers.

Ketosis Brain Health

Other Benefits Of Ketosis:

  • Cleaner Body Fuel: – BHB produces less ROS, some free radicals that can have damaging effects at high levels. BHB also reduces oxidative stress within cells. In a way, having high BHB is like having a “clean-up crew” for your mitochondria.
  • Enhances Aging And Longevity: – While this has not been demonstrated in humans, it’s been shown to extend the lifespan of c-elegans worms by up to 20%.
  • Reduces Epileptic Seizures: – Ketogenic diets can effectively reduce epileptic seizures, especially in epileptic children who don’t respond to conventional treatment.
  • Heart Disease: – Ketosis may improve heart disease risk factors such as blood triglycerides, total cholesterol, and HDL cholesterol.
  • Reduces Risk To Type 2 Diabetes: – The diet may improve various risk factors that can lead to type 2 diabetes, including obesity.
  • Parkinson’s Disease: – A small study found that symptoms of Parkinson’s disease improved after 28 days on a ketogenic diet.

Key Takeaway:

Keto is HUGE in maintaining a healthy body composition. It also has various benefits such as increased energy, mental alertness, increased cardiovascular health, and preventing several diseases.


4 Simple Ways To Get Into Ketosis Fast

You can get into ketosis through one of several ways:

1: Taking BHB Keto Supplements

One of the fastest ways to get in ketosis is taking supplements. If your blood ketones are above 0.5 mM, you’re in ketosis— regardless of how you got there.

These supplements are usually precursors to ketones, and they provide a way to achieve ketosis even in the absence of a ketogenic diet, carbohydrate restriction, fasting or exercise.

There’s no difference between the ketosis induced exogenously through supplements or endogenously. The BHB and other ketones are not structurally different. It’s just simple biochemistry!

Introducing KETO XP Supplement

Keto XP

KETO XP Supplement:

  • Is formulated with BHB to get your body into ketosis fast and use fat as primary source of energy
  • Stops excess fat production
  • Suppresses your appetite
  • Increases energy levels, improves sleep and prevents fatigue
  • The result is lower weight, lower percentage of body fat and a higher percentage of non-fat mass.

2: Intermittent Fasting:

Fasting triggers the body to start breaking down fat for energy. There’s a significant rise in BHB within 12-16 hours of fasting.

Under conditions of “starvation” (6 to 8 days), BHB levels can be as much as 6 to 8 mM

3: Exercise:

Prolonged exercise (especially aerobic exercise in the morning before you eat) is another way to induce physiological ketosis.

This happens because glucose and glycogen are depleted during exercise, fatty acids are released during exercise, and an alteration of hormones that regulate ketogenesis.

4: Ketogenic Diet:

Restricting carbohydrate intake is one of the fastest ways to increase blood ketone levels and induce nutritional ketosis.

This can also be a long-term strategy to maintain ketosis.


Key takeaway:

You can trigger ketosis by cardio exercise, fasting, keto diet (high fat / Low carb), or by taking keto supplements.



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Types Of Keto Supplements

There are 3 types of exogenous BHB supplements:

1: MCT Oil

MCT oils (Medium Chain Tryglycerides) don’t contain BHB, but they can raise BHB levels moderately. Coconut oil of a good source of BHB.

2: Ketone Esters:

Ketone esters are more expensive, and contain a ketone molecule bound to a ketone precursor using an ester bond. Deeper and faster ketosis can be obtained from ketone esters.

Keto XP

3: Ketone Salts

Ketone salts consist of a mineral such as sodium or potassium, plus BHB. They’re cost-effective and raise the BHB blood levels rapidly and moderately.

An example is our KETO XP Supplement.


Key Takeaway:

There are various supplements available to trigger ketosis fast. Keto XP is available here in Kenya.


Should You Eat Carbs While You’re In Ketosis?

Our bodies are biologically programmed to burn carbs or fat for energy depending on what’s available.

Carbs supply energy as glucose (blood sugar), or it’s stored in the liver as glycogen. Glycogen is slowly released between meals to keep blood glucose energy levels stable.

Glucose is the body’s preferred source of energy. When you eat carbs, your body starts to burn and store sugar and stops using fat.

So, every time you eat carbs, you slow down fat burning. You have to adjust your diet to physiologically alter the way your body burns fat.


Ketosis and ketogenic diet have become a popular way of life, where your body metabolizes fat instead of carbs for energy.

You end up with a healthy body composition, among other major benefits. Supplements can help you trigger and maintain Ketosis.

You can also follow a keto diet, which involves limiting intake of carbs and consuming more fats. The practicality of this can be challenging for some people.

Exercise and fasting can also trigger ketosis.

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